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New listing doesn't appear

Article ID: 3249 Print
I just registered but my new listing isn't appearing in my account. Why not?


Listing agent accounts are set up automatically by your asset manager using the email address on file with them.

Accounts are set up when we receive a data import from the bank or asset manager, which is usually the day AFTER a new listing is assigned. 

If the listing is not new, please verify that the filter in your Property List view is set to "All Active"; the default view is properties with activity in the past 7 days, so if there hasn't been any activity for a listing it will not appear in that view.

If you received your listing more than a day or two ago and your listing doesn't appear, you are likely using the wrong account- please submit a new ticket via the link at left and we will deactivate the duplicate account and get you going. 

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Article Details
Views: 6111 Created on: Oct 20, 2010
Date updated: May 16, 2011
